Intro on my Lifestyle BLOG

I like to keep fan friends up to date on my latest news with My Blog features. This one is my Lifestyle Blog. You will even be able to listen to podcasts here! AS I GO! And HEY, to any Musicians visiting, If you need some ideas on what to write about on a your “music blogging”sections... check out this post with 13 topics that musicians can blog about. In MY website here, I will am going to have 3 or 4 or so different CATEGORYS or niche topics of Blogs. 

A MAIN personal "Lifestyle Blog" that I may go over ANYTHING in my Life or Lifestyle.

Then of course my “Music Blog” where you will find anything I post on my MUSIC, Songwrting, and/or my ARTS, or Arts N Crafts, anything Creative or Artsy. 

My 3rd niche blog will be on Life, Health and Fitness. So a “Life, Health, Exercise & Fitness Blog”. Anything related to Health & Fitness to help women (or men) to lose weight, be FIT, or just get to FEELING BETTER about themselves “physically” and/or healthfully “mentally” in ‘mindset or lifestyle’. 

My 4th Blog will be a Spiritual  haring Blog, that is uplifting, resonating, and created to encourage, motivate, uplift, inspire and help those who feel a need to get to know the Creator God and/or have a close walk or relationship with Him. 

So your reading my first steps towards all this and hopefully more.

Feel free to reach out and let me know what blog or blog topics are most interest you! 

A Little About Myself 

Hey, I'm Sunshine Ciolkosz!  Here is a little BIT about “myself”! …And what personal interests I have in my personal life (and what lifestyle passions make me tic) besides (and including) my music and songwriting!

But let's start with … AGAIN …

I am a …….. Singer Songwriter, Guitarist Musician, Performer, and Recording Music Artist, an Fine ARTS Artsist, in Multiple Arts and Crafts, a creative!

A Photographer, Photo & Graphic Artsist - a Life, Health, Beauty, Fitness, and Lifestyle Enthusiast, Writer, Coach…

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Sunshines Lifestyle Blog 😃

My FIRST Lifestyle Post - DREAM BIG!  

 Do you have dreams on how you WISH things would go in your life? THINGS YOU WANT TO DO? - or include in your life? Do you want a different lifestyle than you have now? What is it that you really want? What is it that really makes you happy? What really MATTERS in life? What really matters to YOU in life? 

 Is there a difference? 

More tomorrow…. Sunshine 📍